The Mine concept car is the result of a collaboration between Den Svenska Gruvan, car designer Michael Hallgren and students from Umeå University. During the course of the work, a number of different ideas were floated around how the electric car of the future will look and function. Everything from the design of the airless tires to the solar cells on the roof.
This campaign was shot down in the Aitik mine in Swedish Lapland.
We handled crew, equipment, transportation, catering, accommodation.
An electric car from Swedish mines – why?
Metals and minerals set the pace in the transition to a fossil-free society. So no mines. No electric cars. Nor solar cells, wind turbines, batteries or railway tracks. We simply need more and more metals. In an electric car, for example, twice as much copper is used as in a gasoline-powered car. In addition, graphite, nickel, magnesium, lithium and other metals are needed.
Why should we have mines in Sweden?
In Sweden, we have a long tradition of mining and refining metals and minerals. Today, we have the most sustainable mining industry in the world – both when it comes to emissions, environmental concerns and working conditions. And the industry is working hard to become completely fossil-free. Green copper is already a reality and fossil-free steel will be on the market in 2026.